Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Stop Murdering Cheetahs! Share If You Care

Cheetahs have been extirpated from 91% of their range, and they could soon go extinct, unless you do something.

Add your name if you want to protect all cheetahs from trophy hunters, NOW!

"Cheetahs have vanished from approximately 90 percent of their historic range in Africa, and are extinct in Asia except for a single, isolated population of perhaps 50 individuals in central Iran," reported

And the bad news doesn't stop there. According to the same source:

"79% of all cheetah populations contain 100 or fewer individuals."

This means that every single time a cheetah is killed, there is a chance that another small, local population will disappear forever.

The same organization estimates the current worldwide wild cheetah population at approximately 7100 individuals.

Only 7100 cheetahs remain. Let that sink in. 

I know you can see how cheetahs could soon be gone forever, if this horrifying trend continues.

How do we save them?

"The low density of cheetahs throughout their range means they require conservation action on a scale that is seldom seen in terrestrial conservation.

"This includes transboundary cooperation, land use planning across large landscapes to maintain habitat connectivity, and human wildlife conflict mitigation," according to the source referenced above.

It's going to take BIG, international efforts for this to work.

That's why we're calling on the Pan African Parliament, as well as the Asian Parliamentary Assembly, to work together and do whatever it takes to ban trophy hunting of cheetahs across their entire range.

Don't you want to stop this cruel, heartless practice of murdering rare cheetahs for fun?

Then add your name to join in the two-pronged effort to save cheetahs, before it's too late.

First, we're going to ask Malik Hussein, Chairperson of the Committee on Rural Economy Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment for the Pan African Parliament, to introduce a motion to protect cheetahs from trophy hunting all across the African continent!

Second, we're going to ask the Asian Parliamentary Assembly to do the same, working in coordination with African nations, to ensure that the global populations is well protected.

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Stop Murdering Cheetahs! Share If You Care
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